Final Log

Welp... here we are. This will be the final log and update for this game. I do not plan on updating it any further nor edit it, this is it. So without further a do, lets dive into this final log.
Map Update
Add in more area's around the map (Crows Bush area, Skinny trees area, and Boss Arena) and fine tune the textures and foliaged trees, bushes, etc. to make the game run smoother and not drop frames.
There are two buttons that reside in the map that the player must find and interact with in order to clear the rock that blocks the bridge to progress in the game.
When the player touches the water, game will restart.
When the player touches the crow entity, game will restart.
When the player touches the fire in boss arena, game will restart.
Added in ambient outdoor sounds via wind, birds, etc.
Added in rocks smashing after button interaction.
Crow enemies are now in the game.
Boss enemy is now in the game.
This about sums up of what has all been added within the game and what is new considering from the last devlog.
What didn't go as expected?
A.I. Programming did not work as intended within the new Unreal 5.1 engine, having had previous AI wiring in previous versions of Unreal, it seems that those are not to UE5's tastes anymore meaning the previous blueprints I had programmed and wired already before updating Unreal had been completely overwritten and broke the AI making their functions absolutely obsolete. Intended AI were to chase the player around the map the whole time when detected and Boss was supposed to continuously fire at the player when in radius.
What would you have done differently?
1. Remake the entire level as a whole, when originally designing the landscape, it was not intended to contain 4 different points of interest and two doors + AI's. It was originally designed to be an open world game to where the player may chose any direction and explore rather than having a linear mindset of "go here to get here" and so on.
2. Not spending so much time with the environment. Had I known my requirements ahead of time, I would have focused more on the playability of the game rather than making the game look super pretty. Most assets I used within this game are self made assets via landscape textures, trees, grass, flowers, and water. And were also animated as well. Once again, had I known the requirements earlier, the whole level and design of it would have changed to fit a more playable game rather than just looking at scenery and hitting buttons.
Overall, this project was a handful and extremely stressful to meet expected requirements and deadlines. But the one thing I did learn and kind of enjoyed is that apparantly I have the skill to landscape and make pretty textures and effects. This was definitely an experience to say, but I do not see myself continuing this path unfortunately.
- Kain Luong
Outdoor Level
Final project for WSU Game Design I Shocker Studios
Status | Prototype |
Author | Kain Luong |
Genre | Adventure |